CAT on a Keyboard — blindness

The Importance of Braille Literacy

Posted by Rob Mineault on

I recently saw an article in the local news which reported that statistics reflected that Braille usage in students had gone down recently to about 10%. This was contrasted to statistics gathered in the 1960s that indicated that number up around 60%.  The article went on to say that this was likely due to a shift in technology putting the emphasis on audio, such as talking book players and screen readers, which are able to generate text to speech in much more robust and powerful ways than ever before. So why the disconnect? What is driving less people to engage...

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What to do when you've been diagnosed with a visual impairment

Posted by Rob Mineault on

There aren’t many more traumatic events that can happen in a person’s life than being diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition or to have your vision change suddenly. Not only can it be overwhelming emotionally, but it can be hard to know where to turn for resources to help manage this life change, what support groups exist, and what to expect in the coming months or years. Almost every person living with a visual impairment will tell you that this initial stage can be a very dark time, filled with uncertainty and grief. But they will also likely tell you...

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