Who Are These Guys?
Canadian Assistive Technology and its team have been involved in the Assistive Technology sector for over 33 years. We strive to bring expertise, empathy, and service to our customers while delivering all the Accessibility tools they need in order to be successful in the workplace or engage in their favorite activities in the home. We are located at #106 - 828 W 8th Street in Vancouver.
The Canadian Assistive Technology Team
Steve "Scuffy" Barclay (Owner)
Steve was born in a cross-fire hurricane and he howled at his ma in the driving rain. But he’s all right now. After 28 years in the assistive technology industry he’s worked out his issues and is focused on moving forward, developing Canada’s newest independent assistive technology company and slinging one-liners on the AT Banter Podcast. In the future he hopes to have finally cracked his lifelong dream to understand the molecular structure of jello and to bring about world peace. His less likely goals include orbiting the earth, discovering extra-terrestrial life and watching the Vancouver Canucks win a Stanley Cup.
Ryan "Pinball" Fleury (Technical Support and Sales)
Lovingly nicknamed 'Pinball' for his propensity for navigating the office without his cane, Ryan has been heavily involved in the Assistive Technology field for over 19 years. His extensive product knowledge and ability to troubleshoot any myriad of hardware and software problems has given him a reputation all across the country as a patient, knowledgeable and professional Technical Support and Sales Manager. However, those who work closest to him on a daily basis just know him as 'Grumpy Bastard'. In his spare time, Ryan is an avid audiophile and musician and his Man Cave (where the AT Banter Podcast is recorded) has been dubbed the 'Guitar Dungeon'.
And as if that isn't enough, Ryan is also JAWS Certified. Don't worry, he never lets us forget that! All hail, the JAWS guru. **Web designer's note: He made me write that under threat of never buying the office TimBits again.
Greg "The New Guy" McKinnon (Operations Manager)

Being the new kid on the block, Greg comes to Canadian Assistive Technology, brings a fresh perspective and new set of skills to the team. He's excited to get in on the Team's pancake breakfasts although he has vowed to not stoop to partaking in Whopper Wednesday Poutine combo lunches.
Rob "Tic-Tac" Mineault (Marketing Manager)
Commonly referred to as the 'Handsome and Charming One', Rob is responsible for much of the copy found on the website and marketing materials for Canadian Assistive Technology. Having worked in the Assistive Technology sector for over 17 years, he has a passion for the benefits that the technology can bring into people's lives, and you'll often hear him advocating for Universal Design, Inclusion, and Accessibility on the weekly AT Banter Podcast. You'll also often hear him flubbing sentences, cursing, and creating dead air. But mostly the first part.
Rick "Monkey Boy" Chant (Chaos Technical Services)
Rounding out the team is Rick Chant, owner of Chaos Technical Services. Rick has worked repairing Assistive Technology hardware and building custom computer systems for people with disabilities for over 20 years. Rick provides the vital servicing aspect for all the equipment we sell, which he lovingly refers to as 'fixing broke s**t' (you'll have to excuse him, he's from Newfoundland). All joking aside, Rick knows how important assistive technology is in people's daily lives and ensure that the turn around rate for repairs is as quick as possible.
Daisy the Bulldog

AT Banter Podcast
AT Banter is a weekly podcast, sponsored in part by Canadian Assistive Technology and Chaos Technical Services and features Rob, Ryan, and Steve as they talk about a wide range of topics within the world of Disability and Accessibility. Check out current and past episodes at the official website.