
  • $175.00

Do you have computer keyboarding skills but you would find it easier to dictate your documents, reports, or letters to your computer? Rather than typing your regular updates to Facebook and Twitter, wouldn't it be easier to say what is on your mind?

Whether you’re looking for a way to stay on top of your personal "to do list", or you want to impress the boss and stay ahead at work, J-Dictate can help!

J-Dictate combines the excellence in screen-reading from Vispero's JAWS for Windows with the unparalleled voice recognition capabilities of Dragon NaturallySpeaking from Nuance. Used solely for dictation rather than command and control, J-Dictate gives to the blind user the flexibility of being able to dictate what you would like to say in many computing applications and receive spoken or Braille-based confirmation at the same time. Perfect for home, school or fun!

 J-Dictate gives you the confidence of being able to dictate text into the computer and know that what you've spoken is accurate. Have fun and get more done on your PC!

Features include:

  • Full echo back of your dictation, either phrase by phrase or when a sentence is completed, essential so you know your text is accurate.
  • Keystrokes to verify whether the microphone is enabled or disabled, together with changing how much text is echoed back as you speak and to activate and deactivate the microphone with provided audio cues. /li>
  • Rapid methods of correcting errors which may have been made during dictation.
  • Backup and Restore utilities. Save and restore your Dragon Voice Profile to your local computer or external drive/network source.
  • Additional support for training the pronunciation of words and phrases.
  • Context sensitive guided prompts when creating a Voice Profile for the first time.
  • Complete access to the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Vocabulary Editor.
  • Additional support when using Dragon's audio transcription facilities.
  • Create J-Dictate Text Notes for reproducing large blocks of text with a single voice command. Works even with Dragon Home!
  • Quickly create commands to mention a user on Twitter or to send a Direct Message with many Twitter clients. Works even with Dragon Home!
  • Full comprehensive User Guide which describes installation, together with teaching you how to use the product to get the most from it, all delivered from a blind person's perspective.

Please Note: This software is digital and will be delivered electronically, so no shipping will be applied during Checkout.