

Browsealoud is a web accessibility toolbar that helps you to make your website more inclusive for all.
Browsealoud Toolbar

It provides your web visitors with instant access to supportive features, helping to reduce barriers between your digital content and your diverse online audiences.

It’s a simple addition to any website, offering an easy and effective way to provide your visitors with a better online experience.

Try Browsealoud for free for 90 days!  Call us at 1-844-795-8324 or email
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What is web accessibility and why is it important?

Imagine a world where everything is within grasp, but just out of your reach.

You struggle to access any piece of information, and every service you need is closed, every single day. For some people, that’s their experience of the digital world - because barriers to digital access still exist.

Who does Browsealoud benefit?

Empowering you to do the right thing

At a time where essential communications are being delivered in a digital-first way, your website’s accessibility is something that should be on your mind.

Browsealoud helps you to reach every website visitor, with features that allow users to personalise how they access your content or services.

That means they can navigate in a way that suits them best, helping them to feel included and valued.

Creating an online experience that allows visitors to digest your messages successfully isn’t just the right thing to do, but it’s great for business.

Helping everyone to feel included in the digital world

Every person deserves an online experience that’s welcoming.

They deserve to be able to browse, buy and access content or services independently and with ease.

Browsealoud adds text-to-speech, reading and translation support to your website, helping to make your content easily accessible to those who lack basic digital skills; have hidden disabilities, such as dyslexia or other reading difficulties; visual impairments; and, English Language Learners.

Helping you comply with legal obligations

Browsealoud helps you to comply with:

  • EU - Directive 2016/2102/EU
  • EU - Convention on Human Rights
  • UK - Accessible Information Standard
  • UK - Equality Act 2010
  • IRE - Disability Act 2005
  • US - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • US - Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
  • CA - Canadian Charter on Rights and Freedom
  • CA - Common Look and Feel Standards
  • CA - The Accessible Canada Act
  • AUS - Disability Discrimination Act
  • AUS - Australian Human Rights Commission Act

Free for 90 days

We’re offering you the chance to try Browsealoud on your website, free for 90 days.

The demand on your digital presence has never been higher, however digital access doesn't come easily to everyone. We can help you support your online visitors and customers.

Call us at 1-844-795-8324 or email