IrisVision - Demo Unit - S7 model with version 3.5 Software

  • $995.00
  • Save $3,000

Built on the most advanced mobile virtual reality (VR) platform, IrisVision allows people with low vision conditions such as macular degeneration to see clearly in all aspects of daily life, with an industry-leading 70° field of view and adjustable IrisBubble™ view.

How IrisVision Works

The IrisVision system combines Samsung's Galaxy S7 smartphone and revolutionary GearVR head set. By using off the shelf, technically superior components readily available to most consumers, IrisVision kits can be sold for much less than other custom-made devices.

Custom Software
Specially developed software converts the technical abilities of the GearVR set, originally designed for virtual reality, into a highly sophisticated low vision aid.

Superior Camera Optics
IrisVision uses a 12 Megapixel camera and an LED display with 10x the resolution of a home model HDTV.


Patented Bubble Zoom
IrisVision's bubble view allows you to zoom in on regions of interest in the scene while keeping the overall scene in context. This avoids the “telescope” effect where you enlarge an area but lose a sense of the overall scene.

Clinical Adjustments
IrisVision gives you complete control over multiple parts of your sight restoration experience. These clinical adjustments, made possible through partnerships with both Samsung and the low vision experts at Johns Hopkins, make IrisVision the most versatile and easy to use low vision solution on the market.

Field of View
IrisVision enables a 70 degree visual range - wider than any low vision device on the market.

Ambient Level
Adjust the brightness of the scene. Then everything in the visual world will be held at that brightness level. No more discomfort moving from indoors to a bright, sunlit outside.

Adjust the contrast of the scene. Low vision patients often complain of loss of contrast. We emphasize contrast to compensate for this problem.

Adjust IPD
Adjust inter pupillary distance.

Bubble Position
The position of the bubble can be shifted to different parts of the overall scene. Many patients familiar with the bioptic telescope prefer bubble moved to the top of the scene.

Bubble Shape
The bubble can be round, square, or custom designed.

B&W Reading Mode
This mode emphasizes and increases the contrast of the text, making it easier to read. Inverted reading mode In this mode you view white letter on a black background. This is effective for those patients who are bothered by bright lights.

See how Iris Vision is changing lives!

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