Portable Receiver
The Portable Receiver from Bellman & Symfon is part of the Visit Smart Home System that helps you to keep tabs on your home. The Portable Receiver is a great alerting device to help people with hearing loss, hard of hearing, and deaf to be informed to stay independent and stay secure, knowing that you won’t miss important notifications.
When receiving the signals from Visit transmitters, the Portable Receiver will notify you with audible sounds with adjustable volume up to 90dB, as well as from different LED patterns, you can tell whether someone rings your doorbell or telephone, your baby needs your attention, or there is a risk of fire or carbon monoxide.
The Portable Receiver can be connected with the optional accessory Bed Shaker to provide you notification of strong vibrations which will wake up even the heaviest sleepers. The Portable Receiver is powered by batteries so you can easily bring it with you and place wherever you like.