Typeability Typing Tutor for JAWS or FUSION Screen Readers
TypeAbility is a program that teaches the entire computer keyboard in 99 user-friendly lessons. By the end of the lessons, the student will have mastered all the letters, numbers, punctuation, as well as navigation and editing in dialogs and text documents. TypeAbility is great fun for all ages!
Why is TypeAbility becoming the #1 choice for more and more schools?
TypeAbility speaks clear and easy to understand instructions for everything the student needs to know. Since TypeAbility has a very large and delightful number of ways of saying things it has a personality. So the student feels that he is being addressed personally.
From the moment TypeAbility opens, TypeAbility stays with the student, never leaving the student to wonder what to do next.
Each lesson and task is described very clearly. For instance, if the task is to type a word, the word will be spoken, then spelled, and then put into the context of a sentence or two so that there's no doubt whatsoever what the word is. These contextual sentences are either educational, or humorous, thus providing another level of education and entertainment for the student. At the end of each lesson, TypeAbility tells a joke. Students love this, and they can make TypeAbility repeat that joke as many times as they wish.
JAWS: TypeAbility 4.3 for JAWS, relies on speech provided by either the screen reader JAWS, or the magnification program MAGic. If you wish to run TypeAbility along with JAWS, you can use either a full version of JAWS, or the free JAWS demo.
ZOOMTEXT / FUSION: The screen magnification ZoomText has been combined with JAWS in a new product named Fusion. Fusion uses Zoomtext for magnification and JAWS for speech. TypeAbility will work perfectly with Fusion.
MAGic: The screen magnification program MAGic, comes in 2 flavors: one without speech, and one with speech. So, if you wish to run TypeAbility along with MAGic, you have 2 choices to get speech while running MAGic:
1) Use the MAGic version that has speech
2) Use the version of MAGic that doesn't have speech, but at the same time run either the full version of JAWS, or the free demo version of JAWS.
Try the Demo!
To Download TypeAbility 4.3.1 for JAWS 8 through JAWS 12, click this link. Try it for free 15 times!
Please Note: This product requires a working serial number for JAWS or FUSION Screen Reading Software.
Multiuser licenses and upgrades are available. Call 1-844-795-8324 for pricing and availability.